Program Guidelines and Instructions

Established in 1995, the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) provides vouchers for rental assistance to non-elderly handicapped persons of low-income who have been determined eligible and qualified for c. 667 elderly/handicapped housing. 

AHVP is administered locally by participating local administering agencies, either a local housing authority or a regional administering agency.  

DHCD’s Bureau of Rental Assistance has responsibility for regulatory and administrative oversight of this program.

How it works:

  • A program participant will pay rent in an amount equal to either 25% or 30% of the household’s monthly net income to the landlord.  
  • The percentage charged depends on whether utilities are included or not included in the rent.  
  • The local administering agency will provide rental assistance payments to the landlord on behalf of the program participant for the remainder of the monthly rental amount.

Who is eligible:

  • Applicants who are non-elderly, less than 60 years age, and who are eligible and qualified for the c. 667 elderly/handicapped housing program.

Application process:

  • Applicants can apply by directly contacting any of the 24 issuing administering agencies – AHVP Issuing Administering Agencies– that have received an allocation of AHVP vouchers. 
  • Eligible applicants will be placed on a waiting list. 
  • Once an application reaches the top of the waiting list, the applicant will be given a briefing on all aspects of the program.  
  • During the briefing, the applicant will receive an AHVP Voucher which provides 120 days for the applicant to locate appropriate housing.  
  • The AHVP voucher is valid in Massachusetts only.

The Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) provides rental vouchers to disabled applicants who are not elderly and who have been determined eligible for Chapter 667 (elderly and disabled) housing.

The Provincetown Housing Authority received 10 AHVP Vouchers in 2018 and began offering them to applicants on the PHA Waiting List early 2019. For more information call the office at 508-487-0434.