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The Executive Director is authorized to approve the use of any issued credit card or credit account.
Uses of cards/accounts: Credit cards and accounts issued to Norwell Housing Authority are to be used for official business only. Accounts will be used for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, conference/training registrations and services. No personal use is authorized.
Handling of receipts: Employees will turn over to the Bookkeeper all receipts. On-line purchase receipts will be accompanied by a packing slip from the purchase. If no credit card slip was obtained, a signed work order that shows the name of the vendor, list of goods purchased, the date and amount of the transaction must be submitted to the Bookkeeper.
Reconciliation of Receipts: The Bookkeeper shall review each credit card statement as soon as possible to ensure that transactions comply with this policy. Receipts will be attached to payment records. Transactions that do not appear to comply with this policy shall be reported to the Executive Director immediately.
Audit of card records: All documents associated with card accounts will be available to auditors.
Rebates/Rewards: All rebates or rewards earned will be for Norwell Housing Authority use only.
Cash Advances: There will be no cash advances.
Disciplinary Action
Employees who use a credit card or credit account in a manner contrary to this policy shall be subject to the same disciplinary action as stated in the Employee Theft Policy:
“The Norwell Housing Authority has a zero tolerance on theft and any employee who violates this policy will be terminated. Restitution will be required.”
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Provincetown Housing Authority Credit Card Policy. I have read the Credit Card Policy and I agree to the terms.
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Signature Date
Adopted 02/09/2016